From form to image, from image to moving subject. From silence to the whisper of the wind, from a whisper to a tone. From a moving subject and a sound to an entire Movie. David Lynch constructs his cinematic career and distills his artistic experience much like Duke in "The Notebook" builds Allie's long-desired and promised dream house. Patience, dedication, the interplay of the subconscious and conscious complete with a touch of madness—the secret ingredient that binds vision, projection, aspiration and fantasy, in one awe-inspiring creative leap. Inch by inch, images become bricks and sounds become mortar; there are no priorities—their union IS the priority. As the Montana-born artist and director reminds us, "A film with the wrong music is worse than a film with no music at all." It's a marriage, a sacred union, requiring the right combination, the keystone to experiencing real magic, nurturing the duo with dedication and consistency to unlock the secret potential of that initial spark - the first encounter. The ‘love at first sight,’ jaw-dropping moment that has the power to change the entire trajectory of an individual’s path. - Niccolo Lapo Latini
Photo Josh Telles